+91 33 4084 5500
Accurately calculate monthly TDS for each of your employees
Accurately calculate
monthly TDS for each
of your employees
SalaryTDS dynamically aligns to the
ever changing taxable income
Are you deducting
correct monthly TDS
per employee?
Verify with SalaryTDS. Prevent errors
and ensure compliance.
Accurately calculate
monthly TDS for each
of your employees
SalaryTDS dynamically aligns to the
ever changing taxable income
Are you deducting
correct monthly TDS
per employee?
Verify with SalaryTDS. Prevent errors
and ensure compliance.
Also available on GeM
SalaryTDS helps you precisely calculate employee specific monthly TDS values on a rolling basis
Facing challenges in correctly calculating monthly salary TDS?
SalaryTDS helps you precisely calculate employee specific monthly TDS values on a rolling basis.
SalaryTDS dynamically determines monthly TDS based on changes in annual projected tax
Salary earnings and tax saving plans constantly change. Does this affect your TDS computation each month?
If yes, SalaryTDS dynamically determines monthly TDS based on changes in annual projected tax.
Are you insync with changes in TDS related statutory provisions?
If not, it can lead to incorrect calculations. SalaryTDS is in compliance with all updates from the IT department as released throughout the year.
Watch this video to know
more about SalaryTDS
Ready to get started?
Experience SalaryTDS as we walk you through it.
Key Features
Accurate Values
Precisely calculates monthly TDS values to be deducted for each specific employee.
Dynamic Calculations
SalaryTDS dynamically accounts for changes in the annual taxable income of each employee.
Compliance Adherence
Updated with all the TDS related statutory provisions released throughout the year.
Serving the TDS eco-system since 2004
Associated Business Products
Manage TDS Ecosystem across your Business
Software for Preparing TDS Returns
Prepare your TDS Returns On The Cloud